Sbarro, delivered

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Get Sbarro delivered to your door

With a Sbarro delivery in the UK, you can now get delicious pizza slices delivered straight to your door. The Sbarro menu has a wide range of pizzas, baked goods, desserts and stromboli. There's something to suit every taste, from pepperoni or cheese slices to spinach stromboli, dips and vegetarian options. Need a tea time break at work? Go for cookies, cheesy garlic bread or pepperoni stromboli and add a bottled drink of your choice. How about a special cheat day treat? Choose the meat primo slice, veg slice, tikka slice or chicken & three-cheese. An effortless dinner for the family? Try the big deal or buffalo chicken. Don't forget to order one (or more) of their sides, like cheesy wedges, mozzarella sticks, chicken strips or wedges. Whether you want some family fun or a solo feast, order Sbarro in the UK.