Franco Manca, delivered

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Order Franco Manca Delivery Online

Since 2008, Franco Manca has offered its trademark Neapolitan sourdough pizzas around the UK and beyond, with dough made on-site every day and pizzas made fresh to order. Whether you love meat on your pizza or you’re vegetarian or vegan – or you need a gluten-free base, you’re sure to find a pizza to suit your requirements with a Franco Manca delivery.

What’s on the Menu at Franco Manca Near Me?

Keep things simple with The No. 1, which consists of organic tomato, garlic, oregano, and basil, or The No. 2, which has organic tomato, mozzarella, and basil. Alternatively, spice it up with The No. 7, which has spicy salami, Franco’s chilli oil, and caramelised red onions, or go vegetarian with The No. 3, on which halloumi and roasted peppers take starring roles. There’s plenty of choice!

Looking for Franco Manca Nearby

Are you craving Neapolitan sourdough pizza? If you’re trying to find a Franco Manco near me, head to Just Eat to find a Franco Manco delivery in your neighbourhood.

Franco Manca on Just Eat