Behrouz Biryani, delivered

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At Behrouz Biryani, you can order this South Asian rice dish with your curry of choice. Find a Beherouz Biryani near me to get ordering your favourite!

Enjoy Rice to Your Taste With a Behrouz Biryani Near Me

A Shahi Biryani dish will make for a warming lunch or evening meal, whether you’re in the mood for chicken, paneer, or something else. Or, if you’d rather a larger portion, grab a Shaan Biryani instead – it’s ideal for one or two people.

Starter? Take a look at the kebabs on offer? Or, how about some Chole or Black Lentil Daal to accompany your food? Don’t forget to add some naan and Gulab Jamun to round off your meal!

Order Behrouz Biryani to Your Front Door

In the mood for some biryani? With multiple Behrouz Biryani delivery locations, you can find one near you with Just Eat.

Behrouz Biryani on Just Eat